Reach new horizons with meaningful investments.
Since its establishment in Japan in 2002, New Horizon Capital has made over 100 business investments, including succession, growth support and business revitalization. We take pride in our achievement and we are dedicated to helping companies grow and revitalize, not only by means of capital, but also as business partners after the investment.
Japanese companies, regardless of size, have considerable potential. We hope to create an environment for change and growth so that their potential is not lost. We challenge ourselves to pioneer the future of society as a whole by consolidating capital and returning it to "socially meaningful" investments and jobs. Working together with our portfolio companies, we aim to create change and growth as a catalyst for industrial restructuring in Japan.
Japanese companies, regardless of size, have considerable potential. We hope to create an environment for change and growth so that their potential is not lost. We challenge ourselves to pioneer the future of society as a whole by consolidating capital and returning it to "socially meaningful" investments and jobs. Working together with our portfolio companies, we aim to create change and growth as a catalyst for industrial restructuring in Japan.